The new Debenhams in Bangor (and my place of work) opened with a flurry of excitement on Tuesday. There was a huge queue waiting for the ribbon to be cut at 10am and I was dying to know what was in the free goody bags that were being handed out. A slow start for us on the shoe department with many people 'just browsing' but people were impressed nonetheless. I lost count of the number of people who told me how beautiful the new store was and how nice it was to have a shop this good in Bangor. I must say I agree. Debenhams is the first into what is going to be a small shopping centre and, by the look of the signage thats gone up outside, River Island and Body Shop will soon be joining us. Finally I can really shop!
In other news I finally found a dentist. Tragically the local NHS dentist has a 2 year waiting list and none of the Denplan dentists are taking new patients so I find myself in the somewhat luxurious and definitely expensive position of 'going private'. I rang round a few and was shocked and appalled by the prices. Initial consultations ranged from £45 (which I initially baulked at) to £80!! Just to look at the teeth and take a few X-rays! My Teesside self died as I rang back Mr £45 to make an appointment. And that appointment was this morning. The dentist was nice enough and got rid of a few stains but didn't actually even clean my teeth! Apparently I need to pay an extra £35 to get the hygienist to do it! When I baulked once again at this suggestion he promised it would be the best clean ever and I would really be able to see the difference. I'll let you know if he's right.....
So Beady, So Sparkly, So Beautiful
4 months ago