Apologies for the lack of postings blog watchers. I've been rather bogged down with work and thesis. I've taken to reading some other blogs though and now know how irritating it is when you want to read new posts and there aren't any. Not that I would presume that anyone is that interested but I like to pretend to myself that maybe people are ;) Anywho I'll do my best to keep up to date from now on.
So now I work in a shop I don't get much time off at weekends (1 Sunday in 3 to be precise). This Sunday gone was my day off and we planned to go out and make the most of it. The weather on Saturday was glorious or so I was told by the people of Bangor who came in to buy shoes. I was full of hope that Sunday would be a beautiful day and we'd have a lovely Welsh adventure (despite the warnings of the BBC). Of course it was not to be. We awoke to grey skies and decided if we were going out we'd best do it pronto. We headed off to Anglesey sea zoo. Entertaining for an hour or so but in our humble opinion not really worth the entry fee. Something to tick off the list though. As we drove away the rain started. At first it was not too heavy and we decided that we would dig out the anorak (Ben) and funky dome umbrella (me) from the boot and go to the beach anyway. The heavens then opened and it rained like I've not seen in a long time. There was nothing to do but head back home :( By about 5 the sun did make it out and we went for a walk but it was not the fabulous day in the sun that I had envisaged. The next day was Bank Holiday Monday and again glorious sunshine was upon us but I was at work. Boo!
So Beady, So Sparkly, So Beautiful
4 months ago