The shoe shop is now closed which is sad but I've been in my new job about a month and a half and I'm pleased to say I'm loving it. Lots of varied things to do, flexi time and weekends off - what's not to love.
The new car is great and is coming in very handy for the 25 minute drive to work and back every day.
I graduated from Leicester in July with my PhD in astrophysics. It was a lovely day and lots of friends were graduating too. Here's a photie of us in our silly gowns:

I had a great girly weekend in Manchester and a girly week in Rhodes with my sister Charlotte. We just got back from Rhodes last Thursday and had a brilliant time. Even the 15 hour delay on the way back was quite fun since they put us in a 5* hotel while we waited!
I'm absolutely loving having every weekend off. Much as I loved the shoe shop it was not fun working weekends and not having much time with Ben. Now its brilliant - 2 whole days together every week :)
I think that brings us broadly up to date. I'll make the obligatory promise to update more often and not leave it so long in future but you know what I'm like...