I've been meaning to blog for a few weeks now about what I consider to be perfect Sundays. I don't get all that many Sundays off work but when I do this is how I like to spend them: sleep in till we wake up which isn't usually that late, maybe 8.30ish, then I go to the papershop and Ben makes breakfast. Usually croissants and tea for breakfast but every now and again we go the whole hog and have a cooked breakfast. We eat breakfast in bed and read the paper - Ben reads the serious bits and I read the magazines ;) Around 11ish we get showered and ready and then, if its good weather, head out for a walk or a little trip somewhere. Then its home for some food in the evening and Sunday night TV (which is great at the moment: Dancing on Ice then Lost, Desperate Housewives and Dirty Sexy Money). Bliss! Maybe I'm getting old because reading the paper in bed and going for walks doesn't sound like what I would have said a few years ago but its true.