Tuesday, 19 May 2009

The job hunt continues

I was just about to write that things have been fairly quiet here recently but thinking about it that's not really true. Last week I think we were out every night: Welsh lessons, a cinema trip, a leaving do (more about that in a future post), Megaweek at Debenhams (i.e. working till 9 on a Friday night) and finally a curry/Eurovision party round our house on Saturday. All good fun (apart from the working on a Friday night - I love my job but not that much!).

I also managed to fit in a job interview on Saturday. I'm going to rant about that on my other blog, Moosings (www.mymoosings.blogspot.com), but suffice it to say that I was offered the job but I'm not taking it. Today is my day off so I've been trawling the web for other opportunities. Fun fun!

This weekend we're off to see my friends Hannah and Paul get married which I'm very excited about. We don't catch up as often as we'd all like so it'll be great to see them again. Fingers crossed for some decent weather!

Friday, 1 May 2009

All good things must come to an end

On Tuesday, after going to an emergency area meeting, my boss called an emergency staff meeting to tell us that our concession is being closed in the next few months and we'd therefore be made redundant. Even though it's only a part time sales assistant position in a shoe shop I love my job so I'm pretty gutted to lose it (no more discount!!). I'm trying to be positive about things though - this could be my chance to find my dream job. If only I knew what that is! Since leaving the world of astrophysics I've struggled to decide what it is that I actually want to do. I've toyed with ideas of owning my own shop, being a writer, making some money from my knitting but to be perfectly honest I just don't know and have no idea what I would have to do to achieve any of these dreams. Time to put those research skills I keep telling myself I have from my PhD to good use I think! If anyone has any advice for me on the great career conundrum or any ideas of what I'd be good at then please comment. I'll keep you posted on how the job hunt goes.