As it turned out moving all of my remaining stuff out of Leicester in 2 cars was wildly optimistic and my long suffering housemate Rhian kindly agreed to let my stuff squat in her flat a little longer (love you Rhi!) Even my sister ended up being drafted in and driving 4 hours out of her way to bring a car load over.
While she was here I took the opportunity to do some exploring of my new surroundings. First we took the very cool 40mph cliff side road over to Beaumaris which I'd visited with Ben the previous summer and discovered the best fish and chips in the world. Unfortunately it seems that businesses in Beaumaris don't like to take money in the month of January as almost everywhere was closed - damn the tourist based town! With rumbling stomachs we drove back over to Menai Bridge and found a cafe that was open (and as it turned out did yummy food). In search of a slightly bigger town to explore we decided to take the scenic route over to Holyhead, the biggest town on the island. At this point good old Welsh weather intervened and by the time we arrived it was raining so badly that it wasn't worth getting out of the car (and also we forgot any money for parking) so turned the car round and headed back home.
Day 2 of Charlotte's visit and she was gagging for some shopping (must be in the genes). Ben suggested nearby Caernarfon which he said people had recommended to him as having some nice boutiquey shops. We enjoyed a good few hours wandering round the castle town which did indeed have some lovely little shops. And a Woolworths! Even Leicester doesn't have that ;) Fish and chips overlooking the Menai Straits rounded off a nice day until Charlotte decided to prompt an attack by an assortment of birds by throwing a chip. We beat a hasty retreat back to the village.
So Beady, So Sparkly, So Beautiful
4 months ago
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