I'm currently back home in Teesside for a week and was helping my sister set up her own blog today (www.projectchintzy.blogspot.com if you're interested). In doing so I found myself checking my site meter stats and realising that I could see the location of people who have visited my humble site. I was delighted to see that there were people in places as far flung as China and Canada :) Now thinking about it, my old housemate Sian is quite the world traveller and has confessed to reading the blog before now so its probably her on both counts but I did wonder whether there might be some random readers out there anyway. If you are reading I'd love to know about it - why not leave a comment? Go on, you know you want to.
In other news I was in Leicester last week going through the last bits of my thesis with my supervisor. I found it very productive but it does mean that I have about 6 weeks of serious graft to do before I hand in mid-September. After that I promise I'll start to be a good blogger and actually post regularly and add photos when I say that I will. Until then I'm afraid it'll be the sporadic nonsense that I'm sure you've grown to tolerate ;)
So Beady, So Sparkly, So Beautiful
4 months ago
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